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The Indoor Climbing Assistant qualification is for those with competence in the basic skills of climbing who wish to assist qualified climbing instructors in the management of their sessions.  Indoor Climbing Assistants are assessed as being competent in their role supporting qualified instructors and coaches but are not qualified to manage groups independently.


Indoor Climbing Assistants can have an inspirational effect on individuals, groups and communities.  they work with participants and a range of others such as instructors, other climbing assistants, colleagues,volunteers,parents, teachers, youth workers and health professionals to ensure the climbing experience is the very best it can be.


Our courses are packed full of information, practical tips, skills and advice which will prepare you for being a qualified assistant.  Delivered at climbing walls across the SW we will cover the syllabus through practical and theory sessions that aim to enhance the learning process and bring it to life.  The course includes ongoing an assessment.  a successful candidate will be able to:


  • Assist with the fitting of basic climbing equipment such as harness,helmets and rock shoes.

  • Assist a qualified instructor with the supervision of core climbing techniques.

  • Assist a qualified instructor at indoor and outdoor bouldering venues and climbing walls.


We aim to make all of our courses enjoyable and informative.  We also have a policy of making reasonable adjustments to ensure that our courses are as accessible as possible.

Is it for me?

The prerequisites for registration are as follows:

  • You must be at least 16 years old


Before attending a course you should:

  • Have experience in the basic skills of belaying, harness fitting and tying on.

  • 5 climbing sessions logged on DLOG with a variety of groups


If the above applies to you, here's what to do next:

  • Create an account on the Mountain Training Candidate Management System or log in if you already have one. (see the handy videos below for guidance on how to do this)

  • Register for the Indoor Climbing Assistant Scheme scheme

  • Book onto one of our courses below...

Register for the Award
ICA course Structure and Dates


Course Dates

The award is completed over a minimum of 6hrs.  This is usually done in a day, but can be over 2 1/2 days or a  series of evenings:


  1. Previous Experience - before attending you must have recorded your experience and registered (see above).​​

  2. Training Course - The course covers the following:

    • Equipment fitting and use.​

    • Attaching to the rope and belaying

    • Basic climbing technique

    • Responsibilities of an assistant

    • Group Management 

    • Basic teaching skills​​

December 2024

11 February 2025

2 December 2025

ICA Resources


Indoor Climbing Assistant Handbook.jpg
Belaying & Abseiling Leaflet.jpg
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